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tv   The Sunday Show With Jonathan Capehart  MSNBC  May 12, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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that does it for me. thanks for watching. i'll see you back here next weekend at 5:00 p.m. eastern. but you can also catch me tomorrow morning on morning joe right here on msnbc starting at 6:00 a.m. eastern time. right now is the sunday show with jonathan capehart. in denial, donald trump takes a quick break from the courtroom to campaign this weekend and send more signals he will not accept the 2024 presidential election results if he loses. what's worse? his allies are lining up to back him up. >> gerry connolly of virginia and ruth join me to discuss trump's latest threat to democracy. donald trump's former fixer, michael cohen, set to take the stand tomorrow against
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his former boss. we'll discuss if this is a make- or-break moment in the hush money interference trial. a little lol from snl. it is also applied that stormy daniels got into bed with trump and let him do whatever he wanted just to advance her career. you know, like every republican. >> i'm jonathan capehart. this is the sunday show. with less than six months until the most consequential election in our lunchtime. donald trump and they are refusing to accept the will of the american people. last night at another rambling and unhinged those in jersey. indicting 88 counts of the former president, accusing biden and his administration of
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being cheaters. >> he is only good at cheating at elections. it's not him. he's surrounded by fascist and the oval office. it's not him. very good at cheating at elections. >> that is some next-level preductions. and saying that when it comes to challenging results, it is important to "follow your heart." well these remarks seem like your typical miserable muling from trump. here is why we need to pay attention and take him seriously. just last week he refused to rule out the potential for political science if he loses his bid for a second term. he told time magazine, it depends. on the fairness of the election. on wednesday, biden made it clear why these are not just
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empty threats. >> this is true. it is the same thing and you might not accept the outcome of your election. i promise you that he won't unless it is dangerous. >> this time trump has powerful allies that are willing to show that busting plan. house speaker johnson, the key efforts behind efforts to overturn biden's victory in 2020, introduced a new election integrity bill this week. a total non-issue since it is illegal in state and federal elections. and also it is extremely rare. without any evidence, who remains in the job, they said
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this. >> and even if you were not concerned about the drop boxes of the mail-in ballots in 2020, you should be concerned that they might be voting in 2024. >> according to the foundation and that behind the project of the thing, they have been tied to non-citizens. this morning, the republican danced around the question of whether they would accept the 2024 election results. >> yeah, i would accept them. >> if it is a free and fair election, then they will accept the results. >> it sounds like they are implying it will be considered free and fair if only trump
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wins. and governor doug burgum, a potential pick. and that is not democracy, folks. they have either learned nothing or attempts to steal the 2020 election or they were down with it. the same goes for the violent insurrection that featured a chance to hang mike pence or maybe it is possible with trying to subvert the will of the people, which will make them trying it again this november. after all as the saying goes, a failed coop is just practice. joining me now of california is a member of the house foreign affairs committee and the house oversight and accountability committee. congressman, welcome back. >> great to be here. >> to the sunday show. what does it mean to have a former president and
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presumptive republican nominee? and his allies would refuse to commit the 2024 presidential election? >> i really think it is a dagger at the heart of the american democracy. and this is truly a critical moment for americans who love their country. we have an absolute look at who will stop at nothing to try to get back in the white house with a lot of enablers among the republican ranks in country. many have to understand what they represent. >> do you have any worry about the possibility of another january 6-style insurrection on january 6, 2025? >> unfortunately a number of republicans in congress after january 6 characterized it as tourists who just got a little
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overexcited. minimizing and normalizing violence. trump has never made any secret in his rallies and statement that there is a sub text of violence that is permissible, at least under his banner. so that is a part of the dangers that we face that he is clearly setting the ground for more violence and he gets to decide when, where, why. >> he doesn't expect trump to accept the election results in november. so what is congress doing to prepare? i know you're technically in the minority as a democrat, but what kind of discussions are members having about this if any? >> we passed one piece of legislation to clarify the role of the ceremonial event after the election and the role of
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vice president. but that alone is not going to necessarily stop people from challenging the results. when he says it has to be fair and they say that and others, well who gets to decide is fair? they challenged election results in over 60 federal courts. they lost every single challenge. and i would call that a strong judgment that was rendered, where the election was fair and was elected president. they still don't accept it. so it is a real warning sign that no matter what, they are not going to accept the results. and on thursday, they warned the foreign adversaries who are
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influencing the november election. are we, as a nation, ready for what could be unleashed on the american electorate? >> i hope so. i look back at election of 2016. this was clear russian influence directly on the trump campaign and on social media. and they've only gotten better at it. we have had republicans in congress like the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee say that they have colleagues who are russian bots and they are taking material and mainstreaming it on social media. that is a very troublesome development. >> and that is marjorie taylor greene of georgia, but we don't have time to talk about her
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right now. jerry connolly of virginia. thank you very much for coming to the sunday show. >> thank you. joining me now to continue this conversation, history professor at new york city. hillary clinton was blunt in her assessment of the stakes of the upcoming election during an appearance on morning joe on thursday. watch. >> maybe this will be the last election because someone who will not accept the validity of an election is someone who doesn't believe in elections. he believes in his own power, his own right to power, and his demand that he be installed regardless of whether he'll get the votes or not. >> and ruth, you wrote on x if trump wins, it will be worse on the disaster. the aim is to destroy american
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around the world. with we are rightfully alarmed. >> well because this is somebody who tried to stay in office illegally with a violent coup attempt and still running around, which is very unusual in internationals. usually people who do what trump did are in jail or forced into exile. the other thing that is notable. every time he and his enablers might not accept the election or they use this word election kickty. how do i get to power. that's what they mean to them. and to accept the idea that he might have to deal with the situation. this has been going on for a
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long time. one of his biggest enablers, the maga loyalist who showed up at the iowa state fair last summer. he actually said only through force will we bring change to a corrupt town like washington, d.c. so they are playing not only with the idea that we can't accept the election, but also that we need to use violence to change history for the better and that we are freedom and biden is a tyrant. >> and that will get to what congressman connolly just said during our interview where he talked about the sub text of violence that is permissible, and that he, donald trump, decides what level of violence is permissible, which will make this whole situation extremely dangerous. as you well know. but ruth, why then are some republicans falling in line with trump on pre-denial of the election results and his dangerous rhetoric?
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i'm just wondering, is it their own desire for power or are they afraid? are they afraid to denounce him? >> a combination of both when you have a party that is enthralled to it a cult leader. somebody who is very dangerous. he's a very dangerous individual, and that is coming out in the evidence of the criminal trial. they all know exactly how dangerous he is and how he could, that's been repercussions for anybody who crosses him who doesn't fall into line. and long ago, jeff sessions, a long line of these people. so they have learned that it is best to repeat the talking points. so now we will have election integrity. you could hear all about that. and he also, you know, would test them in pun lick. he humiliates them to see how much they would submit to them and he has done that to tim scott and lindsey graham. so they are kind of conditioned
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by him now, going on a long time to be the authoritarian puppet. it is really a sad situation for our country. >> ruth, as frightening as all this is, we as americans respect powerless here, are we? >> no, absolutely not. one of my mantras is never underestimate the american people. and this will come from studying what people have done in the past when they had their rights taken away. we can still stop this, and we can mobilize and talk to people who tell them what the stakes will be. as i tweeted, more people will be affected than anybody could imagine. >> go and talk to folks in the danger world.
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the other things people can. do is vote, and vote as if democracy depends on it because it does. thank you so much for coming to the sunday show. and coming up, in less than 24 hours, donald trump's former fixer, michael cohen, will take the stand in what's expected to be days of explosive testimony. cohen once said he would take a bullet for trump, but now he's a main witness in a criminal case against him. plus the political democratic issue that could have an issue. angela joins me next. you're watching the subpoenaed show on msnbc. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer, fda-approved for 16 types of cancer. one of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous,
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the narrated story that's going to be explaining the documentary evidence as well as the corroborating testimony. yeah.
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i'm concerned and a little apprehensive. >> tomorrow, michael cohen is set to testimony in donald trump's new york testimony trial. it will be pivotal to the prosecution efforts to tie his former boss to alleged hush money and interference claims. trump denied the felony charges of falsifying records, slamming cohen as a "convicted liar." i mean he's not wrong, but cohen said he lied to congress on trump's behalf. the former fixer helped defeat the president in another new york trial. last year cohen testified in the civil trial that resulted in a $454 million judgment against trump. the judge writing, "the fact finder does not believe that pleading guilty to emergency means that you can never tell the truth. michael cohen told the truth." tomorrow's testimony will be an even more crucial test of
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cohen's credibility. nbc news is reporting cohen will be on the stand for at least a couple of days, and that the prosecution has been preparing him for this moment for a year. joining me now, the senior writer for politico magazine. welcome back to the sunday show. so michael cohen has down played his role in the trial, calling himself a narrator, rather than a star witness. is he not a star witness? >> he's a star witness and essential, the component of the government's case at this point. let's just assume for purpose of our discussion that the governor of the jury, that they are prepared to conclude the records are falsified and that the payment records are falsified. trump's involvement in that falsification was intended to the crime. and thus far it's been some light circumstantial evidence that would satisfy that element that cohen is likely to be the only one that could potentially
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provide direct evidence in the form of their conversation with donald trump and about what he was told on why the record was falsified in the manner that they were and what that purpose was. we never heard any of that and that will be crucial to obtaining the conviction because the affects of it might have been to conceal the crime, but it has to be intent beyond a reasonable doubt. either for michael cohen or from other evidence. >> could we see new evidence come out from michael cohen's testimony? >> yeah, it is likely that we'll hear him describe the conversations between him and donald trump about the records. and they are very abbreviated. we'll hear about the conversations in more detail, meaning red or is it possible there could be audio that is played at trial like a recording? >> and my guess that it will be
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michael cohen. he has no shame that it has come back to hurt the government in the case. and can i offer a couple of thoughts about the opening? >> yeah. >> he keeps saying he lied, and that is only true, but he lied to the irs, banks, none of that was for trump, all of that was for him. and after that court decision you read, a couple of months later, a federal judge said he perjured himself. it is more complicated when people have the ability to process. >> given what you just said, if you were on the prosecution's team tonight, right now, how worried would you be about cohen's testimony tomorrow or this coming week? >> i wouldn't be so worried tomorrow because they would
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have had a plan worked out. it's the cross that will be the problem. i don't know, anybody who knows as cognitively fluent as you would like to believe he is, i don't know, i don't have a nicer way of saying it. but any way he could easily be taken apart during cross- examination. if he blows up and starts railing against whoever and going off the cuff because he will be up there for hours, hours, potentially days on cross. is he going to be able to hold it together? i don't know. he doesn't seem to have a lot of self-control. most of the key witnesses in the case have dumped all over him before this. >> i was going to ask about the meme worry. >> all terrible ideas. >> i'm going to skip that and get to allen weisselberg who allegedly is a part of the whole scheme. but the judge mentioned him as
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a potential witness. but neither the prosecution nor the defense wants him to appear as a witness. and i want to read this, which is a beautiful description. it says because no one knows what an old man suffering in jail for the second time around after once again taking the time for his boss might say. he's a loaded gun and he could point in either direction. now why would the judge want him to take the stand? >> i am equally confused by this. and i'm sure it has happened before, but i personally have never seen this happen or heard of this happening, where neither side has asked this witness to attend. i don't even know why he thinks that they would want to call weisselberg. why would they believe anything he has to say or why would they sponsor him and suggest he's credible when they don't seem
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to noah it means. >> could the judge force weisselberg to testify? >> i'm not a lawyer. >> neither am i. he's not in a compelled process. i think he has to be there voluntarily in some sense. it's a very strange thing. i'm actually very curious to see how it all unfolds. >> we will see about weisselberg in the next few days. all eyes are on michael cohen tomorrow and the rest of this week. thank you very much for coming to the sunday show, coming back. >> a tight race for the u.s. senate seat in maryland could be one of the most expensive times. why she thinks she could win next week and when control of the senate will be at stake.
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presidential race isn't the only concern for democrats. control of the united states senate is up for grabs. democrats hold a 51-49 majority, and will have to defend 22 seats. eight of which are shaping up to be competitive races. one of maryland senate seats is on the line. prince george's county executive is locked that fierce democratic battle with david tron that will be decided on tuesday. trone has spent more than $61 million of his own money on his campaign,ic maaing this one of the most expensive in primary history. including governor wes moore, hoyer, and several u.s. senators. whoever wins maryland's
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democratic primary on tuesday will face republican larry hogan. the state's popular former two- term governor. joining me now is prince george's county executive angela alsobrooks, thank you for coming. >> thank you for having me. earlier shows that i outspend the policy. what do we know now? >> absolutely, it's an independent poll released just last week that shows after spending $62 million, trying to buy this race. i have now not only passed my opponent in the polls, but we're on course to win the race on tuesday. so this brass coalition that we have built across the state has really locked in. people are responding to both the message of this campaign, as well as my record in vision for the state.
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>> and what is the message of the campaign? >> the message is about every day hard working people. the families who are concerned in it moment about economic opportunity. the fact that all of our family want the same thing to be able to really have the woman's right to choose and today on mother's day. like so many other mothers about the privacy and the freedoms that we want our daughters to have more rights and not fewer rights. these are the messages that we have been talking to voters and it is resonating. >> congressman insists that you're not the right candidate to beat larry hogan as i mentioned, the likely republican candidate as i mentioned in the intro. he's for the two-term governor and term limited out. the republican in blue maryland, and he was very popular. here is what he told the
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washington post. watch this. >> every poll has been out there when the opponent loses. every single poll for larry hogan. and i don't mean the financing to beat larry hogan. i have the resources to beat larry hogan. i match up across the board against larry hogan. >> and so the question is can beat him? they show i'm not only beating the congressman, but they show that i'm also beating larry hogan in a double digit matchup for the general election, that they will show the voters again, they are really leaning in, and what they are interested in hearing is about the record that they are interested in hearing a positive vision. one that will show us where we could go. this race is about the future and the kind of country we want to build. this grassroots coalition that
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we have built based on the issues that we share is one to help us defeat larry hogan in the fall and also help us to defeat my opponent on tuesday. >> i mean if you are the democratic nominee, how hard will you try to tie him, larry hogan, to the republican, the presumptive republican nominee for president. >> if i am successful? absolutely. larry hogan is the republican in the party that is led by donald trump. he was invited into the race by mitch mcconnell who said this is the get of the year. and he also has a clear record that will show him to be anti- choice and a person that is paid in medical leave and common sense gun laws. i mean he's a person whose record is in opposite of the average yaoundeer. again, he's going to vote with the republican caucus, no doubt about it. and the supreme court, they are on the line. choices are on the line. and there are so many issues that are of concern to not only marylanders, but americans.
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and this is a real important race. >> let me get you on one more thing. if you win the primary and you go on to win the general election in november, then you would become the first black person elected to represent maryland in the united states senate. also you would be the fourth black woman to serve in the senate. what does that mean for you? >> it is an opportunity because i realized how much is done before i got here and who ran in north carolina and that race and this is what i know also. and every person who deserves to see him or himself in the senate of every race and every gender. and it is so important. so the lived experiences of all of us are significant and that it is also exciting with the support of barbara who said that she was the first woman
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elected in maryland and does not want to be represented in this moment. and that we would invite your support and excited for tuesday. >> all right, prince george's county executive, thank you very much for coming. >> thank you so much for having me. thank you. we reached out to the campaign as he was unavailable to join us. coming up, it's time to sound off with the panel on the latest news of the week including donald trump's bizarre rally at the jersey shore where he, and you're not going to believe this, praised a fictional serial killer. you all heard me. you're watching the sunday show. stay with us.
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the late gray man is a wonderful man who would have a friend for dinner and i'm about to have a friend for dinner, but congratulations, the late gray one that we are being released into the country that we don't want in our country. >> i tried it. ladies and gentlemen, that is the republican nominee for president. and it is also important to note he's a fictional psychopathic serial killer who enjoys eating his victims with fava beans it will be making
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light of donald trump and his loving on him, but this is some serious stuff that there is no boos in the crowd and nothing, and and that is what i want to know. and that is some cognitive decline there. and that you have to call it out for what it is and it is a frightening thing that this person would have nuclear weapons and that guy out there having dinner. >> and let's move on that i
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don't want to waste anymore insanity and talk about something very serious. and he was on meet the press today and here is what he said when talking about the situation between the united states and israel. and the actions taken the last few days because of the way that benjamin netanyahu is conducting the war. watch this. >> it is okay for america to drop two nuclear bombs on hiroshima and to end their threat. why was it okay for us to do that? i thought it was okay and to do whatever you have to do to survive as a jewish state. >> okay, so i wanted to play that. i was immediately alarmed because it sounds to me that he is saying to israeli prime
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minister, benjamin netanyahu, drop nuclear bombs on gaza if that is what you need to do to eliminate hamas. has lindsey graham gone off the deep end here? >> yeah look, that's the sad thing about this and -- and the call for more violence, that is exactly the wrong thing that we need now. it's the case where the president is doing a very good job in that difficult situation. and that is another one of those sad characters that will float around the republican party that seems to say anything in the moment and it was a time when he was a very serious human being and that they are not a governing party. it was led by some serious people and that is just the
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reality. >> has the white house given any kind of reaction to what senator graham had to say here? >> not yet and they don't always do here and they hear them and others who are light at times and saying things like it and they tend to ignore it and them coming in and talking about the actions that they have already taken or said they would take when it comes to netanyahu. and probably not going to lower the temperature down over there with their ally. so that they will say, you know, one, it's interesting to hear what he had to say and because we were at a time when this country is kind of rethinking the way that we acted in world war ii and where we would drop those atomic bombs. that's one.
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>> we would love to get your view on senator graham from ours. >> and you know, as we march towards this election where so much is on the line, that we will consistently, you know, see just a level of irresponsibility in that conversation, right? and that level of protest in energy that has pushed biden to take this important step. i think it's a recognition where the sort of public is and how people don't want their tax dollars, going to the type of abuses that we are seeing. and then at the same time to see people talk so irresponsibly about war and about death and people who are in power with a real responsibility to be sort of in direct. and at the same time, we would see so much attacks on the college protesters, those who are speaking out. then you have a senator acting
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irresponsibly. i just hope they will continue to look at what they are seeing in recognizing who in power that we simply cannot trust to move us forward. >> all right, folks, don't go anywhere. much more with the sound off panel after the break. -sorry, that's our ghost. -yeah, okay. he's more annoying than anything. too bad there's mold behind the backsplash. [ sniffs ] yep, that's mold. well, then, let's see if we can save you some money with progressive. guess how much i originally paid for this fireplace? 23 bucks. materials and labor. just ignore him. you got bamboozled!
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hampshire state representative. i'm not going to say his name. >> do you agree with the point of view that if we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social auction, when we do this with the age and that they may have a pregnancy and a baby involved. are we not, in fact, making abortion a much more desirable alternative when marriage might be the right solution? >> and that is the republican and this is a hearing to ban child marriage? >> you know that i work for years on the marriage equality during my time and to work to navigate the messaging complications and to the loving committed couple who would have all sorts of attacks against their morals and against who
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they were and all sorts of slurs, thrown at them around who they were and whether or not they should be able to build that family and to be able to protect that family and to watch the same type of right wingers, and that they were moving those attacks to have those crazy outrageous sort of arguments to support something like children getting married, and nothing actually supporting all the protections to provide to get through their lives to graduate from high school and to have choices beyond that. it is outrageous. and it will speak to the fact based arguments that will get thrown at those of us that are working to make sure they are fair for loving and committed partnerships as adults. >> all right, this one is coming to you and from the
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school board meeting where they are renaming schools for confederate traitors. watch this. >> i'll take the time to think about students like me who fought for slavery to be a constitutional right. >> stewart, why -- just why? >> look, you know, he was named and so this is a little personal. it's a part of this element and that the republican party, and this sort of conservatism in america is at war with the modern world. the world is going away from this sort of stuff. i mean the university of mississippi is taking down all of their confederate side. and this is not where the majority of the country is going and mississippi, my home state. it's it the home state to take down the state flag, which is
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basically the battle flag. and this is, all of this, nikki haley, i'm able to have that position on slavery that's cleared. and it is really unfortunate. it's not where the country is. >> and we are running out of time, but i want to play this from a hearing in new york city, and the comments from the new york city school's chancellor, david banks. >> if we really care about solving for anti-semitism, and i believe this deeply, it is not about having got you moments. it's about teaching. you have to raise the consciousness of young people. our call on congress, quite frankly, to bring us together and to talk about how we solve for this. and this is convening for too many people in america and education and it feels like the ultimate got you moment.
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>> and so eugene, i mean you would cover washington. and that how serious is congress when it comes to doing something about anti-semitism? >> and that the answer is noting with on these kinds of things and he's right. and that they want to have those moments that you'll have what she was able to do. and they see that and they feel emboldened to be able to take on the chancellor presidents and those kinds of things. the white house has the anti- semitism. the gentleman, they could do a lot more with congress because mostly everyone agrees on it. but yeah, nothing. >> nothing. eugene robinson, stewart stevens, rashawn robinson. what did i call you? >> eugene robinson. >> i'm sorry. wrong cousin. thank you all very much for coming back to the sunday show. more of the sunday show at a special mother's day greeting
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