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tv   U.S. Senate Sen. Bernie Sanders Israel- Hamas War  CSPAN  May 9, 2024 10:39pm-10:51pm EDT

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iranian missiles and drones was primarily provided by missile systems and israeli jets but also by the cooperation and assistance of the saudi's, jordanians, americans, and the british. there is another path forward or ending hamas in gaza and the region is the joint project of the saudi's, the egyptians the jordanians. and there is an end to the conflict. it was exactly that prospect that helped precipitate the attack of october 7 yes it's a hateful terrorist organization dedicated to eradicating israel and killing jews. but the timing, the timing of the attack was very closely aligned to win a final next step and saudi/israel reconciliation was about to move forward. they have been determined to prevent peace there is a way
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forward whereby hamas may be eliminated from having any role and gaza and the west bank and in the future of the region by our regional cooperation which could be facilitated by achieving peace which is much to be hope for at work for with that better present i yield the floor and think my colleague. >> mr. president, some of my republican colleagues help a press conference criticizing president biden for his decision to stop sending additional bombs to israel due to the netanyahu government to launch a major military assault on rafah. one is my republican colleagues even said quote joe biden objectively favors a hamas victory over israel it is just that simple. end of quote.
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which sounds rather amusing given the fact that for the last 40 years is probably bent nobody here in washington d.c. more strongly supported then and joe biden as it senator and a president. we all know president biden has been very clear about his opposition to an attack on rafah for many, many months and for good reason. a major military offensive in rafah what were sent an already horrendous humanitarian catastrophe in gaza. and mr. president i am not quite sure. know a little bit about politics but i am not sure who my republican colleagues think they are speaking for when they attacked the president. the truth of the matter is the
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american people democrats, independents, progressives, conservatives, moderates are increasingly sick and tired of the massive destruction that's now taking place in gaza. that is not bernie sanders 'sopinion poll after poll after poll shows. pebut the polls show the americn people want an immediate cease-fire. they do not want more u.s./military aid going to the war machine of the white ring extremist government. let me just take a second a few of the polls that are out there showing where the american people are on this issue. just this week, a few days ago a progress poll found 70% of voters including majorities of
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democrats, republicans and independents de-escalation in a cease-fire, de-escalation is not a massive assault on rafah. aud majority of those including 68% of democrats and 65% of democrats support suspending all u.s. armed sales to israel until it stops unblocking u.s. humanitarian aid from entering gaza. april 14, political morning consult whole 67% support the u.s. calling for cease-fire. april 12 poll 60% think the u.s. should not spend weapons and supplies to israel. those are for my democratic colleagues disproportionately among democratic supporters.
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april 10 poll of economists 37% decreasing military aid to israel just 18% support and increase overall 63% support a cease-fire 15% opposed. i'm not quite sure where my republican colleagues are coming from and who they think they are representing. let me just take a moment to tell you why the american people are opposed to more military aid to the netanyahu government. mr. president, almost 35000 palestinians have already been killed in the seventh month at war. morear than 78000 have been wounded. over two thirds of whom are women and children. two thirds of whom are women and children.
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and as we speak right now, according to humanitarian organizations hundreds of thousands of palestinian children face the possibility of malnutrition and starvation. now, the american people do not want to see an increase in destruction. they want to seen an end to this terrific war. mr. president, as i'm sure you know the netanyahu government has destroyed the infrastructure of gaza there is virtually no electricity. persecute bert though clean water and raw sewage is running through the streets spreading disease. mr. president the housing infrastructure of gaza has been demolished. over 60% of the housing units have been damaged or destroyed including 221,000 housing units that have been completely
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decimated. leaving more than a 1 million people homeless. almost half of the population of gaza. the healthcare system has been systematically annihilated. healthcare at a time he had tens and tens and thousands of people have been injured, 26 out of 36 hospitals in gaza have been made in operable more than 400 healthcare workers have been killed. the educational system and gaza has been virtually destroyed. every one of gaza's 12 universities have been embalmed. involved. fifty-six schools have been destroyed. 219 have been damaged 625,000 children have no access to n education. some of my republican friends say this is not enough violence. this is not enough destruction. they want netanyahu to go into rafah and kill more people.
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make it impossible for humanitarian aid to get out to these people may be some my republican colleagues think that's a good idea. i do not believe that the american people agree with them. mr. president last year at this hetime the population of rafah s the date it is about 1.3 million. in other words, the population has quadrupled. quadrupled in a seven month period with people who have been driven out of their homes throughout gaza now landing in rafah. that is why an attack on rafah would make an unspeakable humanitarian disaster even worse. 1.3 million people including 600,000 children are sheltering in that area. that means there are some 50000 people per square mile it is
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enormously densely populated. this is also rafah the vast majority of humanitarian aid is medical facilities are located. in other words, mr. president, at a time of massive humanitarian destruction trthroughout gaza, an attack on rafah would not only greatly add to the death toll it would severely hinder the ability of humanitarian aid to get through to desperate and starving people. mr. president let me conclude by saying this, the united states does and should stand by its allies. but, our allies must also stand by the values and the laws of the united states of america but that is when ally is. mr. president we mount now must
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use all of our leverage to prevent the catastrophe in gaza from becoming even worse. and that means hold holding back all offensive military aid including billions in recent funding. until the netanyahu government withdrawals from gaza. restores humanitarian aid to people who are now facing starvation. and the disastrous war and stops killing palestinians in the west bank. the united states of america must not be complicit in this atrocity. and with that mr. president, yield the floor. ♪ since 1979 in partnership with the cable industry, c-span has provided complete coverage of the halls of congress from the house and senate floors to
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