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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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and you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era the and the student led movements in the us against the wall and garza is growing with more universities joining the process. i'm john henry at city university in new york where students are in day 4 of demonstrations against the war and gaza. and their universities, policies the serve, any age good that this is l, just your life from the also coming up is really military pounds. gaza once again
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killing at least $66.00 people in the past 24 hours the to thousands take to the streets in georgia is capital to protest against the controversial foreign influence bill. working across those governments rejects accusations. it's military executed more than $230.00 civilians, including children. the we begin in the us where a student led protests ending camp minutes against the war and gaza, or continuing for 2nd week across the country. demonstrators are demanding that their universities cut financial ties to israel. hundreds of demonstrators have been detained so far. o l 0, it has correspondence coming this along the us east coast. phil lavelle is in chapel hill, north carolina, john henry and is live at the city university of new york. john, we're going to start with you. it's day 4 of protests where you are. show surround
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. sure 0. if you take a look around right now, we're just got quiet. we had someone speaking a moment ago. there was a group of orthodox, jewish people who were supporting the protest. and this might be a good time to run the video we sent you. one of the a little earlier bern, jesus railey past forward and protest. and i asked some of these guys or why they were here. they said they don't like to see israel do what has been done to jews in the past, and that was a reference to world war 2. but i will say that this man is divided not just the nation, but it's also divided the jewish community. you've got some of those here who support the protest. i also spoke to a gentleman outside. you said he was the idea that he had been in right as a, as in his really soldier. and he doesn't read with the purchase and was was
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critical of hormones. so he tried to get into this protest, he was rejected and eventually police had to escort him to his car to their car, rather they said for his own safety and he didn't register. so that just a sign of kind of the division that we're seeing here. but inside this protest you don't see division at all. everybody in here very supportive of the student movements. you can see all of the tents which are growing in number as use the pro chest. i should say, it is a sunday afternoon and there are a lot of people here. and each day we see new people coming and going in. this is a public university, it's outside anybody can come through here. so what you're seeing is children and older people, as well as the students all coming to support this movement. sir john, are you able to get a sense? i know it's only day for us, so this is still a very young protest movement,
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but are you able to get a sense of where this is going? yeah, interestingly enough, if you you over here, um what, what you can see is this is becoming more and more of a permanent structure. this is where they go to pray. it's also on that matter over there. the tan one is where they told yoga in the mornings. so if you look a little farther to the right, you can see there's a kitchens and that has been set up here with donated sold. and what we're seeing is, according to one of the protesters, i talked to, she said this is now my home. and i said, how long are you gonna stay? she said, as long as we need to that. so the sense is that they're gonna keep these structures up. now i should say, these universities, most of them and for the year in the next $23.00 and there will be graduation ceremonies. we're expecting to see cro chest at them. there's one at the university of michigan this weekend, there was
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a graduation ceremony. so what we see is these movements continuing. what are the interesting just is whether they continue after the universities graduate, their classes including their doors in humboldt, california, and university. there has actually slows down, so students are allowed to be in the dormitory. they're allowed to go for food, but that's it. they can actually travel through their own campus according like from the city university of new york. thank you very much. we go to fill a veil now was a chapel hill, north carolina, and phil, local activists and supporters. there are going to be joining university of north carolina students for a rally at their encampment. so again, strength and numbers. what are you seeing where you are? and how our campus authorities, they're responding to the demonstrate that so definitely strengthen numbers. i'm, they're all big numbers here. you know, in the last hour. so those numbers of really exploded. and now at the moment we
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called everybody up here before they do the much, they just having some speakers to being shawn 6 logan's, the waves, and that flags that must be around about 500 people that review it to put a number on it, which is what the organizes were expecting to be here. now in a few minutes they will come down here and they will march around the crowd, which is why all of these people have been. it's a sleeping living for the last 2 days. and the university of north carolina, hey, when chapel hill actually is less than into that. it's not happy about it, but it's for once of a better, what, tolerating them being favorites said that they can stay, but they are not allowed to put up tense and it has to be a peaceful protests. i'm gonna bring sylvie now. he's one of the activists here. so do you see these numbers? i mean, they've ready rocketed in the last dollars so this must give you some real encouragement. yeah, it's super encouraging. when i was standing up there before speaking, i actually got a little choked up because i never thought that i would see this many people in support of palestine and such huge posted in flags from toddlers to elders being
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here and such huge numbers to be on the right side of history, it was really, really touching. i got emotional, we obviously suppliers made goals, but if you had to put all the demands that had, what is it that you want? so our demands are we have several demands. the 1st of which is to, for the university of north carolina and all surrounding universities in the north carolina triangle area to disclose their yet undisclosed investments in the as rarely just machine, including companies that are not as really goods. but the just profit from is really a part side in genocide. the 2nd one that comes concurrent was disclosure, is total divestment, including an academic boy called of israel university. and then the 3rd one is to establish a democratic student run permission to hold the university to account regarding these goals of divestment and disclosure of among other demands include, acknowledging their posted in students. here we have a title 6 discrimination lawsuit under the civil rights act. of 1964 in the works
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because of the universities blatant dismissal and discrimination against palestinian students and how the students so yeah we, we have several demands here and we hope that the university here. so we, thanks very much welts these protests other say we marching here in a moment. the university as i size, been tolerating them, but there are some believe some of the for the testers of the university is also trying to essentially flush these protests is out suddenly, for example, they have lots of the buildings. so the bathrooms can no longer be used, it gets hold of the trash will not be collected. so the trash is starting to build up. and they also think that the university is planning, say, it's hard on this because nobody from the university has confirmed that. but the book it should be put over the sprinklers proactively, just in case i don't know, the police are not here. they are stationed outside, waiting a case. it gets into a violent situation. philip l. a. chapel hill, north carolina. thank you very much. i a and on the ground in the gaza strip,
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66 more palestinians have been killed in just the last 24 hours. a huge explosion had gone to the city and the central region of the strip is really military also targeted. the southern city of ross on sunday, at least $34450.00 for palestinians had been killed since october. the 7th houses here is honey. my mood is in rough and honey. i understand that just in the last few moments there has been a new is really military strike. yes sir. oh, that is correct just within the past, the 10 minutes or so. the huge explosion took place in the eastern part of robust city as a result of an errors, right, via tax. yet, the reports were going to right now. there was a residential home in a janita district that the eastern part overall by city close to a lot had been road in nathan part of the city. and as you know, in a district, this is not the 1st time there was seen
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a residential home inside this particular neighborhood being targeted and destroyed has been targeted repeatedly since the initial weeks of this genocide, the worry that we're seeing a ambulance dispatcher from the city to the community hospital as well as the report we're getting from paramedics and civil defense, the crew. they're there to talk right now is about an entire residential building. they've been targeted and that they're on their way. uh, in the area. it's just what we are. so getting right now, we're learning that people are a definitive area, are forced to leave the surrounding of the targeted a residential building. and that, that is the, the potter we've seen with a, within the past few weeks, as the attacks across the city been intensified, just causing some further civilian casualties, as well as the shocking level of destruction that is a quite visible right. now in dropbox city, we're waiting for more updates on the casualties and the impact of this
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a talk on this residential building gets there in the hours of this evening. a slap in, in a 3 story residential building on eastern part of rough city was a targeted and reports of 2 critical injuries transferred to another hospital. again, the same exact thing happened and it caused a great deal of panic and concern and forced people, particularly those who are at the vicinity of the area in the near the same neighborhood, the set up their tents there, they are forced to leave their you seeking shelter elsewhere in a separate, a talked in the central area. these really military continue to his talk. refuge accounts, particularly in the site review calvin, the area between whether it has the northern part of the count of the refugee camp itself, just causing again, further civilian casualties. more destruction not only to homes, but also to public facilities and infrastructures to the point of turning the areas
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into more of a waste land. meanwhile, these really paramedics and civil defense crew were able to recover bodies of from under the levels and in the roads of eastern parts of honeymoon is largely deceived . i believe they were killed when the city of hon. eunice invaded by this really military honey. my mood reporting live from rossa in the southern part of the gaza strip. thank you, honey. the displace palestinians have held a football tournament in southern gaza. 50 teenagers faced each other to encourage players around the world to call for a ceasefire. if to send good food reports an unusual match kicks off and this cam for the displaced in that offer, 50 palestinian teenagers are playing for the wind. but their goal goes far beyond the pitch. this event is that supporting david, it's about tennessee to send the message for all of the war, asking for these fight out for ending the war and ending the stuff i don't know, which is the end goal is to split. fans, young and old,
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have come to cheer them on the offer is now home to more than 600000 children and their families displaced by the war. and it's where he's rarely forced to say, they're planning a new ground offensive. most of god has major football stadiums have been damaged, turned into open air in tournament camps for palestinian detainees or simply destroyed. and these rarely bombardment has thrown young players into displacement and poverty with ms. vega and then the model has an in i previously paid for palestine. so let me pick team, but this was death to stay to the future. despite receiving central office to pay for clubs outside the country, including in libya, vietnam. i couldn't accept them due to the current circumstances traveling from here to each it costs around $5000.00, which is an exorbitant amount given the current situation, organized by an american charity. this match is held to rally football fans around
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the world shall because the news, our people deserve respect and have the rights to live. despite the destruction and siege the palace to meet people never failed to show resilience and not determined to learn from the blooming threats of further attacks from the alpha young palestinians or hoping the beautiful game can help them reach a peaceful future. if to some good food, all just there, the french foreign ministers in the lebanese capital b roots, the talks on the escalating security situation on the board with israel. he's helped me things with officials on ways that ease tensions. st. ahold are reports from they were francis foreign minister says he has a roadmap to de escalate the conflict along the 11 on israel border. there's been day the exchange as a fire, since hezbollah opened up a front to help relief pressure on garza in october, stefan says renee stressed the need for the warring sides to exercise restraint
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loves it, keeps the rest i know what the objective of the roadmap, but i propose to february minute to the lebanese, and these riley or far a cheese is to which a full implementation by all parties to the security council resolution, 17 or one. they just situate it says your name visited the 700 french soldiers based in southern lebanon. as part of the 10000 strong united nations peacekeeping force, the roadmap that is being presented reportedly involves expanding the un mission by strengthening the lebanese army. it's based on a un resolution, which ended the last war between israel and hezbollah in 2006, and calls for a zone free of arms and fighters outside the states control along the border. the highest and best up. but has the law has montana, it will not enter any concrete discussion on the cross border violence until there is a permanent ceasefire in garza, all the while it's officials warrant of
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a broader response. if israel widens its attacks, the group has already changed. it's pastor in recent days. its attacks have become more the feel. that's why western nations are keeping diplomatic channels open to try to prevent a wider war. but the 11 on is route front is very much linked to the war on gauze up as pressure routes on is wrong. how about to reach a deal, a ceasefire. there could lead to us to station the possibilities between hezbollah and as well that would allow negotiations to begin the us mediator. and in this conflict, they must, austin is in israel, and may be in the lebanese capital so that they're elses either. are they still a head on alpha 0, ukraine's top commander says his troops are losing ground while the russian forces step up their advance in the east. the
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the navigation is trying to invite this bit of water here is full of adults come up and talk to exceed expect things to start to cool them. and they have done and they will do mean victoria takes that southwest. the breeze and melbourne will drop from 17 to about 50 degrees or i think the same time shares will eventually fall in sydney and might in person i suspect it'd be more welcoming past then they might be in sydney. as a written goes across the tasman hits the south on the new zealand, it'll vote briefly. it has everything, christ church, but that word last the day after wednesday looks fairly which one i'm we still got tremendously big charles night where i didn't the full cost in some parts of in the easy it from west pump. you through sort of lazy to bone you there's the focus areas, new nurses, maybe increasingly it's likely in some philippines,
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maybe students who mocker may be in the single pole. this should be cost drawing up by this time of year. and this shouldn't really be happening kind of the, the amount of reading that form and finding the thunderstorms, damaging deadly sun. storms in china is just don't dying down. it's potentially in the 4th takes the rain and that sundry backs through shanghai during tuesday and then sort of thing goes south through hong kong and briefly. it's a right in south korea and japan. the story in india, of course, is the heat, the right know collins and public confrontation, young people across the u. k. a putting the 40 on the line to force the attention of the issues that my sense of that climate change is a symptom of a system that's breaking down every other route. sales dive in action was to be left open for democratic societies or one to allow for there to be no politician in this country. as i was shut down and honest people have generation changed on out
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is era the they're watching else as 0 reminder of our headlines this, our more universities have been joining the student protests in the us against israel's wall and gaza. hundreds of demonstrators have been detained, is really forces of killed at least 66 palestinians, and wounded more than a 130 interest the past 24 hours. some of the lord and latest attacks targeted gaza city and rasa. the thousands of people are protesting and the georgia and capital police see against the so called a foreign influence law. legislation will require organizations receiving funds
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from abroad to register as foreign agents. opponents say that it could be used to crack down on groups critical that the government and damaged or just ambitions of joining new york. it's only gods, a is george's former deputy foreign minister in charge of relations with the european union. he says the country's former prime minister between a venetian is orchestrating the government. so it's quite difficult to say what's is the real, what's evasion of the 1000000000. there are only going to increase behind that who's controlling developments in georgia and who informally controls the government in georgia is probably this is something leads to his relations with russia because it's a way to demonstrate to show its. busy oil to, to, to russia, rush, i, so on neighboring countries, the countries that dresser can see it as a be under the influence to adult, this kind of floss, recent,
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they could just on has adopted the slow, which is a copy paste of the russian loss. so this is a sign of loyalty for, for the countries um, uh, the dresser wants to control and have under each month. and also, the 2nd explanation is that georgia will have a very important provenance, reflections in october and the room party, according to a different opinion. impulse is not set in the situation to win the selections and uh, the flexion stay the government's uh, the we policy. we try to shut down the most uh, vocal critical media and civil society organizations. ukraine's top general says his troops have been forced to retreat this fighting on the country's eastern front, intensified west of the done, yet screeching keeps. forces are full and back to new positions in at least 3 places along the front. houses here as john homeland reports from keith of the
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situation on the front line. few crimes is got worse. that's according to cranes. army in chief, alexander seed escape. he said that it's due to the russian forces, especially at several points right now on that mode, 1000 kilometer frontline. and he said actually ukrainian forces have had to retreats in from free villages in the south east. he said that those villages mean practical gains full of russian policies, but not necessarily operational games use like pointed to a difference in terms of fly, a power between the 2 full asses in sections of upfront line. we're not, seems of going out to speak to you crazy. and so just near the front line, they said that they being out showed bite $6.00 to $1.00 at the top nights. so come on to his said that i could go to $10.00 to $1.00. he said, if military was improved coming off that he's remotes, the united states actually approve the $61000000000.00 package of the military right now. the question is how quickly that can arrive the. busy $1000000000.00
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trunk of that package that was approved a few days ago. and it's now set to be on its way to ukraine. now while the weight is on the crime for it to get here, russian forces are expected to try and press home their advantages and not, not just on the front line brushes. so ramping up, it's a tax on your cranium, right away, line, say the ukrainians, and also on the countries energy plots to disrupt the it's economy in this window, john home and how does it keep you cry of the un security council says it's deeply concerned that sedans, paramilitary rapids support forces are preparing an attack and l. slasher. the city is the last stronghold of the army and the western door for regions. at least 21 communities have been attacked in the area since march and the number of civilians displaced by fighting in the l. foncher has grown to 800000. in recent months. you
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are assess also to control of for other states capitals. last year. houses here is hipaa. morgan reports from cartoon of the reason why the united nations security council and other agencies, nations and the united nations secretary general as they are focusing on n slash it is because it's the city that's many people from other parts of the are for displays to when their cities fell under the control also be permitted to wrap it support forces. the number of displays people went from 300002 over 800000 in recent months as a result of the iris of taking over the cities in the therefore region. the concern is that these tribes the tribes that are right now in a plastic tribes that have been historically targeted by the apartment, a 3 are a separate since the size of it are 4 in 2003. so they are fears that if they are assessed, pulse attacking the city, then those tribes will be targeted just as the ethnic, metallic try, bored target. it's in the west are 4 in the city of june. and i was that's where
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the you and said between 10 to 15000 people were killed in the space of weeks by the parent military rapids support forces i'm allied diminishes. so the concern is that especially would become what has been described as a killed box, and they will be a mastercard, where they are assessed, and their allies, melisha will target people based on their ethnicity. now there's been calls for a ceasefire and for the turing parties to return to talk before uh, the hours of attacks and pressure. but so far, the 2 sides are, you get to uh, heat through those calls and announce that they will be reviewing negotiations and decide to city of kid that between the, between them mediated by saudi arabia and the united states. so while the 2 sites are, you get to return to negotiating table or for to agree to any ceasefire. they all concerns that once the recept attacks those trapped in the city of especially the ethnic a 4 or as of our people who have been historically targeted by the our staff will be caught in the middle and that they will be a mess, a car, and ethnic cleansing,
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working the 1st so who's dismissed the report from a rights group accusing the military of exec, executing to a $123.00 civilians, including more than 60 children. human rights watch says burkina faso is army carried out the killings into northern villages in february, the report says that they were executed as part of a campaign against civilians accused of working with arm groups. nicholas hack has more from center goals, capital, the car baseless and inaccurate. that's the words from a statement made by the government of regina foster following a damning report from human rights watch, which a q is, is sold years of work crimes and crimes against humanity. but the government statement says, soldiers are there not to kill but to protect civilians. human rights watch has said that they've spoken to eye witnesses to what they describe as a massacre that took place on the 25th of february in 2 villages, by the border of molly, the village of nadine and sore where those that survived. the massacre say that
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soldiers were in uniform shop indiscriminate lead towards women and children and adults. they were separated and 3 groups and then dumped into mass graves. when this report was made public last friday, the reaction from the government was to clamp down on any news organization or media outlet that was reporting on it, including international use, media outlets, or reporters without border say that the government of regina paso is clamping down on descent and any voices that would give it different narrative to the one of the government. but this report comes at a time where there is increasing attacks from arm groups linked to al qaeda and i. so over 2000000 people have been displaced. the government of regina for us to say they will investigate this latest accusation made by the human rights watch report
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. nicholas hawk al jazeera, the car. tens of thousands of people have rallied in cities across australia, demanding action to end gender based violence. the protests are in response to a sharp increase in the number of women being killed. so we consume sharif important see from melbourne to put the most in the pals and calling for tougher laws and violence against women. the demonstrations come after wise and the number of women can so for this year i'm really speak of it i'm. i'm clicking this and i don't want my teachers to continue being like this. according to the government, one woman has been killed in 3 full days in australia this year. that's 27 women. disfigure nearly doubled who's been compared to the same period last year. a recent stabbing attack and sydney that killed 6 people. most of the women has brought the issue of violence against them back to the full dates to start with
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a son. the boy does this behavior being perpetuated by centuries long and the so jenny, from mr. anthony albany z attended one of the vanities in captain ken brown. it's not just government problem. it's a problem of our entire society. the women's rights advocates say such attacks have become disturbing. the common in the country. in 2021. tens of thousands by lead against allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct, and some of false previous highest political offices in a nation. but the men of feeling increasingly unsafe. these protest is called in for change of consumption leave on to caesar
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the south african. now where a music played a major role in the movement that ended apartheid super hot sticks mobile say, as an artist who used his talents to encourage unity any quality for me. the miller caught up with him the level of a double cross. and 1st in reach form and with an important track simply titled, nelson, montana falls. it was written by musicians. people hot sticks. i'm a booster in support of the freedom fighter who had been imprisoned for 27 years. but it was just natural. as a musician you, you feel the importance, the contribution that one could make in writing a song like that. the song itself was a.


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